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The traditional house of North Sumatra

North Sumatra is the province with the 4th largest population in Indonesia. The province is capitalized in the city of Medan is inhabited by the Batak tribe as the majority tribe as well as the original tribe. Batak tribe itself is one of the largest ethnic tribes in Indonesia after the tribe of Java. Batak tribe is divided into several sub tribes, including Batak Toba, Batak Angkola, Batak Simalungun, Batak Pakpak, and Batak Mandailing. Each Batak sub-tribe is known to have several cultural characteristics that distinguish one another. One such characteristic for example we can see from the custom house design.

Traditional House of North Sumatra
In general, the traditional house of North Sumatra is known and considered as a cultural icon of North Sumatra Province is Bolon House. However, in addition to Bolon house, there are also some other custom house designs. Well, on this occasion we will review about custom house design custom homes are complete from history, architectural style, image, structure, and philosophical values ​​contained in it. For those of you who want to know how unique Batak traditional house, please refer to the following discussion!

1. House Building Structure

Traditional house of Bolon is a term for traditional house of Batak tribe in North Sumatera. The existence of several sub-tribe Batak causing architecture of traditional house this one is also divided into several versions. There are Toba bolon houses, Bolon Karo houses, Simalungun bolon houses, Pakpak bolon houses, Mandailing bolon houses, and Bolon Angkola homes
Although there are various architectural versions, the bolon house in general has several characteristics that distinguish this traditional house of North Sumatra with traditional houses from other provinces in Indonesia. Bolon House is a stage house that almost all parts are made using building materials obtained from nature.

The supporting mast of the house, which is about 1.75 meters above ground level, is made of logs of diameter> 40 cm, the walls are made of woven bamboo, the floor is made of boards, while the roof is made of leaf material or fibers. To strengthen the bond between materials to unite the bolon house does not use a single nail. It is made with a wooden inter lock system which is then tied with a rope.

2. Function of Traditional House

In the past, Bolon's house was the home of 13 batak kings. However, as he progressed, he was later used as a home for the Batak tribe in general. To support the function, the traditional house of North Sumatra is divided into several spaces based on the allocation, namely:

- Jabu bong room is a special room for the head of the family is located in the back at the right corner.

- Jabu Soding room is a special room for girls who are located on the back left facing with jabu bong.

- The jabu suhat room is a special room for the eldest married boy who is located in the left front corner.

- Tampar piring room is a room to greet guests who are located next to the jabu suhat.

- Jabu tonga room rona ni jabu hona is the largest family room and is located in the middle of the house. Kolong home used as a storage of food and cattle pens.

The division of a room like the above rules does not mean every room should be separated by a dividing wall. In general, the inside of the house is a large space without a partition. However, the rooms are separated by customary rules that limit and bind every member of the family or guests who come.

3. Typical Features and Philosophical Values

Bolon House can be a traditional house of North Sumatra because it is considered to have some uniqueness in its architectural design. This uniqueness is then characterized as well as distinguishing this traditional house with other traditional houses in Indonesia.

Characteristics of the house Bolon indigenous Batak include:

- It has a roof that looks like a saddle with a very narrow angle so it is quite high.

- The walls are short but enough to stand because the house is not equipped with a ceiling.

- The upper wall is equipped with webbing that enhances the appearance of the house.

- Above the front door there are gorga or animal painting, such as lizard and buffalo dominated by red, black, and white. The image of the lizard is a symbol that Batak society is a society that has a strong sense of brotherhood between each other, while the picture of buffalo is a symbol of gratitude.

Well, that's our glimpse of the traditional house of North Sumatra with its drawings, history, philosophy, and explanations. Hopefully it can be a reference for us to get to know the culture of tribe Batak people. If this Bolon custom home explanation article is useful, please share it. Do not forget also to read our article about custom house of Riau in the next discussion. Regards!

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